
Press release  — 

#013/2010 – Police Custody in North Yorkshire – generally positive Police custody in North Yorkshire was a broadly positive picture, though there were some improvements needed, said Dame Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Denis O’Connor, Chief Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of a joint inspection into custody suites in North Yorkshire Police.

Press release  — 

#012/2010 – Police Custody in Surrey – generally good, but scope for improvement Police custody in Surrey was a generally positive picture, though some improvements were needed, said Dame Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Denis O’Connor, Chief Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of a joint inspection of Surrey custody suites. The inspection

Press release  — 

#011/2010 – Police Custody in Hackney – much good practice but some areas for improvement Police custody in Hackney was a broadly positive picture, though there was a need to extend staff training and improve the management of healthcare, said Dame Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Denis O’Connor, Chief Inspector of Constabulary, publishing

Press release  — 

HMIC will stop using the ‘my police’ name. We have been working with the founders since 8 March 2010 to address their concerns and to provide the best possible solution. They asked that we stop marketing ‘’ as a redirect page, since the public might confuse

Press release  — 

#009/2010 – Statement by HMI Zoë Billingham on the performance of Nottinghamshire Police “The Police Performance Steering Group met earlier today to consider the performance of Nottinghamshire police force and police authority. “The meeting was attended by representatives from ACPO, the APA, the Home Office, HMT, NPIA and the Audit Commission. “Although crime rates have

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#008/2010 – Criminal Asset Recovery: Joint Thematic Review of Restraint and Confiscation Casework Three criminal justices inspectorates HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), and HM Inspectorate of Court Administration (HMICA) have today published their joint thematic review of Criminal Asset Recovery Restraint and Confiscation Casework. The review found that a

Press release  — 

#007/2010 – A joint inspectorate response to the Evaluation of Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) Year One The independent evaluations undertaken by the consortium led by Shared Intelligence and OPM provide a valuable insight into the perceptions, effectiveness and impact of CAA in its first year. We welcome the feedback and learning that the reports provide

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#006/2010 – Where are the police? The public pay £13.5billion every year for their police – with 80% of their money spent on staff, figures from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary reveal. HMIC is releasing the data as part of the ‘value for money’ profiles for each of the 43 police forces, after the public

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Press release  — 

#004/2010 – You don’t have to be a detective to find out about your police Families now have access to more information than ever before about their risk from crime and anti-social behaviour, the performance of their local police force and how much it costs them, with a new assessment launched by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate

1013 news and press releases