Performance, monitoring and analytics
Performance, monitoring and analysis is carried out by the insight portfolio. The portfolio is responsible for:
- commissioning and undertaking research and evaluation to improve our inspections;
- regularly collecting high-quality data;
- analysing data on crime, policing and fire and rescue; and
- HMICFRS’s monitoring process for police forces and fire and rescue services.
Evaluation and research
The research and development team engages with stakeholders to improve inspections. This involves carrying out research, surveys and focus groups. The team also works with academic institutions, forces and other public bodies.
Through these channels, new ideas and existing work are discussed and tested to gather feedback to improve HMICFRS’s inspection approach.
Academic reference group
The HMICFRS academic reference group brings in academics and other interested parties with particular expertise in policing and fire or inspection methods. There are opportunities for academics to share and present their own research and to comment and advise on HMICFRS’ work at quarterly meetings. The ARG meets four times per year.
If you are interested in joining the ARG, or have anything you would like to present at the ARG, or hear about from academics, please email
Ethics panel
The HMICFRS ethics panel is made up of internal staff and external experts who review all inspection, investigation or research activity where the proposal involves direct interaction with anyone who is not obliged to engage with or provide information to us as part of our powers of inspection or investigation, and where a project represents ‘more than minimal risk’ by virtue of its topic, vulnerability of the potential participants, proposed methods, or a combination of these.
The panel formally reviews research proposals in relation to specific ethical principles, and then recommendations are made on how the work should proceed to help mitigate risks to participants. The panel meets when advice is required. However, this is not more than four times per year.
If you are interested in joining the Ethics Panel, please email
Collecting high quality data
A significant amount of bespoke data is held by the portfolio, collected through its many data collections. Much of the data is not held anywhere else in government.
The main channel for this is the HMICFRS police and fire and rescue service Technical Advisory Groups, which meet regularly in alignment with the inspection schedule.
Analysis of data
The analytical team work are involved in every step of the inspection process from input into design of methodologies to analysis of inspection findings.
The portfolio works closely with analysts across government, policing and the fire and rescue sector, combining their unique knowledge and skills to ensure that value is added across the breadth of policing and FRS analysis.
The team design data collections, to supplement published data sources. Together these make data briefing packs, which are aligned to the inspection questions for each force. These packs provide analysis to help contextualise inspection approaches, as well as analysis to help inspectors focus inspection activity on important areas.
The team also advises on the best ways to present and contextualise analysis and evidence in inspection reports.
HMICFRS’s monitoring process for police forces and fire and rescue services
Performance monitoring enables concerns about police force and fire and rescue services performance (either geographical or thematic) to be identified quickly so that appropriate action can be taken by HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and the Home Secretary.
To read more about the process of monitoring police forces, visit Our approach to monitoring forces.
To read more about the process of monitoring fire and rescue services, visit Our approach to monitoring services.
A monitoring process for fire and rescue services is being developed alongside the FRS inspection process.
Working at HMICFRS
We periodically recruit for new staff. Any current vacancies will be listed in the Working at HMICFRS section.