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News article  — 

Police custody in Islington was generally positive but staff shortages were affecting the care offered to detainees, said Martin Lomas, Deputy Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

This report is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMIC and HMI Prisons.

News article  — 

Police custody provision in Southwark had improved but there were still some gaps in provision and some issues to address, said Martin Lomas, Deputy Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

This report is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMIC and HMI Prisons.

News article  — 

HMIC has found weak or absent management and supervision of crime-recording, significant under-recording of crime, serious sexual offences not being recorded, and some offenders having been issued with out-of-court disposals when their offending history could not justify it.

Publication  —  Crime recording  — 

Summary In its 2013/14 inspection programme, approved by the Home Secretary under section 54 of the Police Act 1996, HMIC is committed to carry out an inspection into the way the 43 police forces in England and Wales record crime data. This inspection, carried out between February and August 2014, is the most extensive of

News article  — 

Police custody provision in Newham was poor and needed to improve, said Martin Lomas, Deputy Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an unannounced inspection.

Publication  —  Custody suites  — 

Summary This report is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMIC and HMI Prisons. The inspections look at strategy, treatment and conditions, individual rights and health care. They also make a key contribution to the United Kingdom’s response to its international obligation to ensure regular and independent inspection of

Publication  —  Annual reports  — 

The Police Act 1996 requires Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary to report each year on his assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in England and Wales. The assessment covers the full breadth of policing work inspected by HMIC throughout 2012/13, and an overview of police forces in England and Wales.

Publication  —  Domestic abuse  — 

In September 2013, HMIC was commissioned by the Home Secretary to inspect the police response to domestic violence and abuse. This report found that, while most forces and police and crime commissioners said domestic abuse is a priority, this isn’t being translated into an operational reality.