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News article  — 

On behalf of the national Rape Monitoring Group (RMG), HMICFRS has published refreshed data on how cases of rape are dealt with.

News article  — 

Today, we have published our policing inspection programme and framework for 2021/22.

Publication  —  Business Plans, Inspection programmes  — 

This document is HMICFRS’s inspection programme and framework for policing for 2021/22.

News article  — 

The pandemic has intensified the vulnerability of certain people, and combined with failing public services, this has increased demand on the police, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary has said.

Publication  —  Annual reports  — 

This is Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary’s report to the Secretary of State under section 54(4A) of the Police Act 1996. It contains his assessment of the effectiveness and  efficiency of policing in England and Wales based on the inspections we carried out between March 2020 and March 2021.

News article  — 

The police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) need to fundamentally change their approach to working together on rape cases to build trust and secure justice, a new report has found.

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Domestic abuse, Effectiveness, Female genital mutilation, Force management statement, Harassment and stalking, Honour-based violence, Joint inspection, Rape  — 

This is the first of two inspection reports that will consider the response, decision-making and effectiveness of the police and Crown Prosecution Service at every stage of a rape case – from first report through to finalisation of the case.

News article  — 

The government has been urged to develop more coordinated and effective support for people with neurodivergent conditions in the criminal justice system.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections, Neurodiversity  — 

An independent review of neurodiversity in the criminal justice system, commissioned by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.

News article  — 

Radical cross-sector reform to protect women and girls from violent offences is needed immediately, an interim report has found.