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Police force:Merseyside
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Found 4 results

News article  — 

Police forces must explain the disproportionate use of police powers such as stop and search and use of force on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people or risk losing the trust of the communities they serve, a report published today has found.

Publication  —  Spotlight, Stop and search  — 

Stop and search legislation was introduced in 1984. However, 35 years on, forces still do not understand fully the impact of the use of the powers. When the police use their powers disproportionately, it causes suspicion among some communities that they are being unfairly targeted.

News article  — 

Today we published a report on the effectiveness of Regional Organised Crime Units.

Publication  —  Regional Organised Crime Units  — 

In this inspection, we examined how effectively and efficiently the Regional Organised Crime Units tackle the threat from serious and organised crime.