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Found 4 results

Publication  —  Consultations, Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

This consultation sets out the proposed joint inspection activity in the criminal justice system in 2019/20, and invites comments from stakeholders and others to inform the finalisation of the programme.

News article  — 

Police forces in general are offering a good level of service, but are doing so under significant pressure, HMICFRS has said in a report published today.

News article  — 

HMICFRS has today published our findings for the first 14 forces inspected in the PEEL 2018/19 assessment.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As part of our annual inspections of police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMICFRS assessed how effective the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime. This report sets out the findings for Kent Police.