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Publication type:Value for money
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Police force:Warwickshire
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Publication  —  Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas? This profile sets out the value for money information for Warwickshire Police for 2017.

Publication  —  Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas? This profile sets out the value for money information for Warwickshire Police for 2016.

Publication  —  Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas?

Publication  —  Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas?

Publication  —  Value for money  — 

Summary The efficiency and effectiveness of the police depend on forces having the resources they need to prevent crime, catch criminals and keep communities safe. When the 20 percent reduction to the central government funding grant was announced in October 2010, HMIC committed to inspecting the forces’ responses, and the effect this is having on

Publication  —  Value for money  — 

Summary The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas? It is important to note that the