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The findings from this inspection (published today in the national thematic report, Increasingly everyone’s business) show that the police service has acted on the messages of HMIC’s previous report, and now sees tackling domestic abuse as an important priority.

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There are ‘systemic deficiencies’ in the way some police forces in England and Wales deal with allegations of domestic abuse against their own officers and staff.

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Inspectors from Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, and HM Inspectorate of Probation carried out joint inspections of six areas in England, to evaluate the multi-agency response to cases of domestic abuse.

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HMICFRS’s fourth report on the police response to domestic abuse found continued improvement in how the police identify, respond to and support victims of domestic abuse.

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The police responded proactively to prevent domestic abuse and protect victims during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report has found.

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The British service police forces need to improve how they handle rape and serious sexual offences, as well as domestic abuse.

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Inspectors revisited Greater Manchester Police and found that the force has made significant improvements to the way it approaches domestic abuse, and is now providing a higher level of service to victims.

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A joint report published by Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and HMICFRS has concluded that the handling of evidence led domestic abuse prosecutions requires improvement.

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In March 2014, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary reported concerns about how Bedfordshire Police tackled domestic abuse. HMIC was concerned with how the force operated in certain areas and recommended improvements it should make.

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Today, Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint inspection of multi-agency arrangements for responding to domestic abuse Durham. The inspection was undertaken by HMICFRS, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HMI Probation.