Public perceptions of policing in England and Wales 2018
HMICFRS commissioned BMG Research to undertake a large-scale survey of the public to assess current perceptions of the police. The study consisted of 17,043 surveys with members of the public. The majority were conducted via online panels, with a small number conducted-face-to-face.
This report sets out the results of the fourth survey into public views of policing in England and Wales. These results have been summarised below. An accessible version of the summary has also been published.
Get the full report on BMG Research’s website
Public perceptions of policing in England and Wales 2018
This report builds on three years of public surveys commissioned by HMICFRS and carried out
by Ipsos MORI:
- Public views of policing in England and Wales 2015/16
- Public views of policing in England and Wales 2016/17
- Public views of policing in England and Wales 2017/18
This year we asked about:
- Overall satisfaction with local police force
- Police visibility
- Crime
- Public confidence in police
- Police conduct
- Top types of crime respondents think police should prioritise
Overall satisfaction with local police force
Police visibility
Public confidence in police
Police conduct
Top types of crime respondents think police should prioritise
The results from the public perceptions of policing survey inform HMICFRS’s inspections. More information about the methodology is available on our website.
Get the full report
Public perceptions of policing in England and Wales 2018