PEEL: Police effectiveness 2016 (vulnerability) revisit - Nottinghamshire Police
As part of PEEL 2016, HMICFRS’ effectiveness programme inspected how well forces keep people safe and reduce crime. This included an assessment of how effectively forces protect vulnerable people from harm, and support victims.
Nottinghamshire was one of five forces that HMICFRS graded as inadequate at protecting those who are vulnerable from harm and supporting victims, and a number of causes of concern and areas for improvement were identified.
Four of the forces graded as inadequate were revisited to assess the progress made against these causes of concern and areas for improvement.
The fifth force, Metropolitan Police Service, was not revisited due to a separate, Home Secretary commission to produce a quarterly review of the force’s response to our inspection findings.
This report sets out the findings from the revisit inspection of Nottinghamshire Police.
Get the report
PEEL: Police effectiveness 2016 (vulnerability) revisit – Nottinghamshire Police (PDF document)