HMICFRS’s 2020/21 policing inspection programme and framework: for consultation

Published on: 6 March 2020


This consultation is now closed.

This consultation on our plans for policing inspection activity in 2020/21 was published on 6 March 2020 – just before lockdown restrictions were imposed as a result of COVID-19. One week later, we suspended appreciable inspection activity, and offered to return seconded officers and staff to their home forces, to better allow policing to focus on their response to the pandemic.

We have revised our original proposals for inspection in 2020/21 to ensure that everything we do reflects these unprecedented circumstances and promotes improvements in keeping people safe and reducing crime, without imposing unnecessary demand on forces.

All contributions received by 10 July 2020 have been considered, and will be rolled forward into business planning for 2021/22 as appropriate.

Get the revised consultation

HMICFRS’s 2020/21 policing inspection programme and framework: revised consultation

Get the original consultation document

Proposed policing inspection programme and framework 2020/21: for consultation (HTML)

Read the consultation (PDF document)