Avon Fire and Rescue Service: Causes of concern revisit letter
During our inspection of Avon Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) from May to July 2023, we identified two accelerated causes of concern:
- The service still doesn’t have an effective system to make sure it gathers and records relevant and up-to-date risk information to help protect firefighters, the public and property during an emergency.
- The service’s mobilisation system, which records information and dispatches resources to emergency incidents, isn’t reliable and crashes during emergency 999 calls.
We also raised two causes of concern:
- Prevention activity isn’t a sufficiently high priority for the service, and there is no prevention strategy, which should drive its day-to-day activities.
- The service has shown an intent to improve its culture, with some staff reporting improvements across the service. However, more needs to be done. We found evidence of behaviours that weren’t in line with service values.
In our most recent revisit, we found significant improvements have been made to the mobilisation system to make sure it is reliable and stable. This has resulted in the closure of the accelerated cause of concern about the mobilisation system.
This letter summarises our findings.
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Avon Fire and Rescue Service: Causes of concern revisit letter (PDF document)