Avon Fire and Rescue Service second revisit 2018/19

Published on: 17 December 2019

Publication types: Effectiveness, Fire & rescue services and Revisit

Fire and Rescue Services: Avon


During our inspection of Avon Fire and Rescue Service (FRS), in July 2018, we identified a cause of concern about how effective the service is at keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks. We asked the service to submit an action plan setting out how it would address this cause of concern.

We revisited Avon between 16 and 18 October 2018 to review progress against the action plan. This revisit found that the service had made progress on carrying out their action plan, but that more work was still needed. As a result, we revisited Avon FRS between 12 and 15 August 2019 to assess progress made.

This letter, setting out our findings from this second revisit, was sent to the Chief Fire Officer in October 2019, and is now being published alongside other FRS publications.

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Avon Fire and Rescue Service revisit letter 2018/19 (HTML)

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Avon Fire and Rescue Service revisit letter 2018/19 (PDF document)

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Avon Fire and Rescue Service revisit letter 2018/19

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