Police news

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North Yorkshire Police has made improvements in how it keeps people safe, reduces crime and provides victims with an effective service.

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Cambridgeshire Constabulary needs to improve how it manages offenders and responds to the public.

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Gloucestershire Constabulary needs to improve how it responds to the public.

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His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary has today moved Nottinghamshire Police into an enhanced level of monitoring.

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HMICFRS has published the latest value for money profiles.

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We inspected British Transport Police and gave graded judgments in five of the seven areas that we inspected.

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Today we published a report to examine the effectiveness of British Transport Police’s vetting, IT monitoring and counter-corruption arrangements. 

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West Yorkshire Police has made improvements to its custody services, but progress in some areas has been limited since its last inspection.

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Northamptonshire Police has made improvements in most areas, but the force still needs to improve how it investigates crime.

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Today Ofsted published a letter with findings from a joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to serious youth violence in Merton.