Police news
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#003/2011 – Northamptonshire Police Authority is ‘performing adequately’ Northamptonshire Police Authority is ‘performing adequately’, according to an independent new report released today by the Audit Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). On a scale from one to four the joint inspection team assessed the Authority’s performance as ‘two’, which represents adequate performance. Inspectors…
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#001/2010 – Inspection on Police Custody Suites in Leicestershire Constabulary Today, the Chief Inspectors of Prisons and Constabulary publish the report of a joint inspection of police custody suites in Leicestershire. This is part of a regular programme of police custody inspections. Overall, the inspection revealed a positive picture, with much good practice. Inspectors found:…
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#009/2009 – Avon and Somerset Police Authority is ‘performing adequately’ Avon and Somerset Police Authority is ‘performing adequately’, according to an independent new report released today by the Audit Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). On a scale from one to four, the joint inspection team assessed the Authority’s performance as ‘two –…
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#008/2009 – Lancashire Police Authority is ‘performing well’ Lancashire Police Authority ’performs well’, according to an independent new report released today by the Audit Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). On a scale from one to four the joint inspection team assessed the Authority’s performance as ‘three – performing well’. Inspectors found the…
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#005/2009 – Cambridgeshire Police custody suites – inspection revealed poor conditions Inspections of police custody suites in Cambridgeshire exposed poor conditions and a lack of strategic management, according to a report jointly published by HM Inspectorate of Prisons and HMIC. Inspectors were disappointed by a lack of effective strategic attention to custodial issues and found…
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#004/2009 – Police forces must work harder to meet their Pledge commitment The majority of police forces in England and Wales have further to go if they are to keep their promise to the public on the service they provide, an inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary has found. Of the 43 police forces…
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#003/2009 – West Yorkshire police custody suites – varied quality in spite of strategic leadership The quality of police custody suites in West Yorkshire varied even though strategic leadership was sound, said Dame Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Denis O’Connor, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, publishing the report of an announced inspection…