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The force says...
Lincolnshire is one of the largest geographic areas in the UK, covering 2,284 square miles, with a population of 768,400. Lincolnshire Police currently has 1,165 officers, 90 PCSOs, and 945 staff (December 2022). Over half of our population live rurally. Gainsborough and many of our coastal towns have several indicators of deprivation. Lincolnshire receives approximately 21 million visitors annually, and our coastal towns see a significant increase in population over the summer, creating a surge in demand for policing.
We receive £182,706 funding per 1000 population, which is the lowest in England and Wales. We have the second lowest number of officers per 1000 population at 1.57FTE, which is significantly below average.
In 2021/22, Lincolnshire Police recorded 139,467 calls for service. Recorded crime levels reduced during the pandemic but have since returned to pre-covid levels with total recorded crime for 2021/22 at 55,056, a 12 percent increase compared to 2020/21. Whilst Lincolnshire remains one of the safest counties in England and Wales, ranked 12th for the lowest number of crimes per 1000 population, challenges of policing such a large and diverse area within the resourcing constraints remain significant.
During 2021/22 the force successfully delivered the transition of services from a private sector provider back to the force. This scale of transition is unique in policing.
The force continues to collaborate regionally to combat major, serious and organised crime, and to provide policing functions including legal services and operational support. In response to changing demand, the force has invested additional resources to tackle rural crime, roads policing, and high-risk areas such as cybercrime, child sexual exploitation and modern-day slavery.
The force’s forecasted cumulative budget gap is £30m over the next four years. We continue to work to secure the long-term settlement needed to maintain the high level of service expected by the communities of Lincolnshire.
Disclaimer: the above statement has been prepared by Lincolnshire Police. The views and information in it are not necessarily those of HMICFRS.