His Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMI): Lee Freeman is HMI for the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC)
The CNC is the armed police force in charge of protecting civil nuclear sites and nuclear materials in England, Scotland and Wales. This includes materials on site and in transit, and internationally via its special escort operations.
The CNC employs over 1,500 police officers and members of staff at 10 nuclear sites throughout the UK. The CNC has over 1,060 authorised firearms officers (AFOs), making it the 4th largest armed police force in the country
HMICFRS has a statutory duty to carry out inspections of the CNC from time to time, or if requested to do so by the Secretary of State.
Following an inspection, we must report to the Secretary of State on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Constabulary. The Secretary of State may exclude from publication any part of a report if the publication would be against the interests of national security or might jeopardise the safety of any person.