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City of London Police 2021/22

The logo of City of London Police

The force says...

The City of London is home to almost 9,000 residents, welcoming 513,000 workers each day and over 18 million visitors annually. It is one of the most important financial centres in the world and the economic heart of the United Kingdom. With a vibrant night- time economy, the City also has an increasing density of shops, restaurants and bars.

Protecting a high concentration of national critical infrastructure sites in an area of historical and national economic importance, alongside being the national policing lead for Economic and Cybercrime presents unique challenges. We are home to Action Fraud and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau. Operating funded units dedicated to tackling insurance fraud and intellectual property crime.

In 2022 a new Chief Officer Team, introduced a new Policing Plan to enhance how the Force balances national responsibilities with local concerns.  Through a successful uplift programme the Force has increased officer numbers which has led to enhanced visibility and will enable us to reduce crime, supporting our policing plan and ambitions. We have invested in more Dedicated Ward Officers to support neighbourhood policing and continue our reductions in Anti-Social Behaviour.  We have increased investigators in our Public Protection Unit to support our most vulnerable victims.

The Force welcomes recognition of how well we are engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect. We’re committed to restoring confidence in Policing, working closely with our communities though our recently created Professionalism and Trust Department. We are investing in analytical capacity and capability to ensure we can predict and respond to changing demand appropriately.

The Chief Officer Team welcomes the opportunities arising from this PEEL inspection and our close working with HMICFRS. The results are an important benchmark we will use to progress our continual improvement started in 2022.

Disclaimer: the above statement has been prepared by City of London Police. The views and information in it are not necessarily those of HMICFRS.