Kent PEEL 2018
How efficiently does the force operate and how sustainable are its services to the public?
How well does the force use its resources to meet the demand it faces?
This question was not subject to detailed inspection in 2018/19, and our judgment from the 2017 efficiency inspection has been carried over.
How well does the force plan for the future?
Kent Police is outstanding at planning for the future. It understands trends in demand and is good at predicting these. It works closely with academic institutions and partner organisations to do this. The force invests in projects that will save it money and help it provide better services.
The force is really good at communicating with the public. This means it understands what matters to the public. It knows what skills it needs to respond to this. The force has clear priorities and a good financial and people plan. It is good at identifying and supporting future leaders.
Detailed findings for question 2