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Proposed policing inspection programme and framework 2025–29: For consultation

We would like your views on whether this programme covers the the right themes and areas of policing.

West Yorkshire PEEL 2016


How efficient is the force at keeping people safe and reducing crime?

Last updated 03/11/2016

West Yorkshire Police has been assessed as good in respect of the efficiency with which it keeps people safe and reduces crime. The force has a good understanding of all of the current demand for its services. It also has a developing understanding of future demand, and has plans in place as to how it will understand and manage likely future demand better. The force is improving both the capability and the capacity of its workforce and makes good use of its resources to manage current demand. The force has sound financial plans in place to ensure its investments deliver benefits in terms of both efficiencies and savings.

HMIC found West Yorkshire Police to have a good understanding of all of the current demand for its services. It also has a developing understanding of future demand, with the force having plans in place for how it will understand and manage likely future demand better. The force is working well with partners to determine what the future demand for service will be from its communities and is working to meet those needs. The force uses survey information at local levels to identify changes in public expectations and set clear priorities. The force has a good workforce model which meets its current demand, with a new shift system launched earlier this year and an increase in resources for the protection of vulnerable people within the community. This means that the force is able to meet the current demand and is able to provide those services which the public expects.

The force is improving both the capability and the capacity of its workforce. It is recruiting new police officers and police staff with the right skills to tackle the workforce gaps which have been identified. West Yorkshire Police has significant investment in the digitalisation of the force. The use of mobile data terminals by all of its frontline officers and staff means that they are more visible to the communities and visit police premises less. The force has a well-developed programme for officers and staff to work in an agile way using technology and the ability to work at remote locations, such as the buildings of other organisations, to support efficiencies and the productivity of its staff. The force has robust ways of doing business, through its change programme, to make efficiencies and to ensure that benefits are tracked and are realised. The force has sound financial plans to ensure that its investments are planned to produce both efficiencies and savings. Through working collaboratively with other forces, a number of operational services in West Yorkshire Police, such as its forensic science provision, have made significant efficiencies and produced savings for the force. HMIC found the force to be good at keeping people safe and reducing crime.

Questions for Efficiency


How well does the force understand the current and likely future demand?


West Yorkshire Police has a good understanding of its current demand along with a developing understanding of its likely future demand. The force has undertaken a comprehensive review of its current demand. It has reviewed hidden demand and identified the demand which has the potential to cause the most risk to the community. It has launched a new force shift system to match resources with demand. The force has also reviewed its ability to protect vulnerable people and has increased its capability and capacity to meet that demand. The force has some innovative projects to reduce demand and get the most out of the productivity of its staff. The force has made a good start and is developing how it predicts its future demand. Working with both police and partner data to map what community and ward profiles will look like in years to come, the force has looked at how, along with its partners, it can influence future demand and improve its services to meet it.


How well does the force use its resources to manage current demand?


West Yorkshire Police makes good use of its resources to manage current demand. The force has set clear priorities for the delivery of its services, set against the police and crime plan. The force identifies changes in public expectations from survey data, which means it can understand and respond appropriately to expectations from local communities. The force has increased its efficiency through changes it has made, such as the use of mobile data terminals by operational officers and staff so they can remain visible within the community for longer. In addition, the force has reviewed all aspects of the organisation to drive efficiencies through a robust change-management business model. This identifies and tracks the savings made and the efficiency produced, to make best use of the workforce. The force has identified its workforce gaps and has plans in place to tackle those gaps with the recruitment of new police officers and police staff with the right skills to undertake the roles. The force has established working practices in collaboration with other police forces which have delivered considerable savings to the force and is developing collaborations with other partners and blue light services. West Yorkshire Police understands the benefits of change; it has a dedicated change programme team which ensures that change plans are clear about expected benefits and that plans stay on track.


How well is the force planning for demand in the future?


West Yorkshire Police is good at identifying and prioritising areas to invest in for the future. The force has a change programme which considers the priorities for future investment and identifies the business benefits of changes. These are then presented to chief officers and the PCC to consider for approval. The force has made considerable investment in its IT infrastructure and delivery of mobile data technology. This supports its operating model, along with future investments to analyse mobile data to support crime prediction and patrol plans for its staff to improve crime prevention and reduce demand. This means the force can use its investments to reduce crime and keep communities safe. The force benchmarks its plans, consults external companies and undertakes competitive market testing to ensure it has robust financial processes in place. All investment decisions are subject to both internal and external robust scrutiny. The force planning has predicted its resource needs for officers over several years through the force staffing blueprint, and identified gaps are being addressed through considered recruitment. The force has rigorous financial control, which has seen the force underspend for the current financial year. This financial prudency has enabled the force to maintain control over its finances, meet the spending review challenges and plan its investments for future efficiencies.