Leicestershire PEEL 2015
How efficient is the force at keeping people safe and reducing crime?
How well does the force use its resources to meet its demand?
The force makes effective use of a range of methods and information to understand the demand placed on its services and the consequences of that demand.
Its new operating model, introduced in February 2015, is based on a detailed analysis of demand. This has allowed the force to focus its resources on areas with the highest demand.
Leicestershire Police has embraced a number of new ways of working, such as the use of mobile data, in order to improve efficiency.
The force also benefits from a very mature collaborative working programme with other forces in the East Midlands area, but it is also exploring further opportunities to collaborate with non-police organisations such as other emergency services and city and county councils.
How sustainable and affordable is the workforce model?
Leicestershire Police has developed its workforce plan based on a detailed analysis of demand. This approach has allowed the force to reinvest resources in some priority areas and to maintain a core of 200 PCSOs in the future.
In the early stages, the new operating model will be overstaffed. The temporary additional staff are being used in high demand areas to help the transition to the new arrangements. The force is taking clear and effective steps to tailor its future workforce plans, known as Blueprint 2020, to meet longer-term changes in demand, as well as future organisational and financial requirements. The creation of several new units provides the force with an opportunity to redeploy some of its workforce into posts that meet the organisational need by matching skills and experience into critical roles. The force recognises that the changes it is making will require significant cultural change and has addressed this within its change plans.
How sustainable is the force’s financial position for the short and long term?
The force has a proven track record of robust financial management, accurate budgeting and achieving planned savings. It has met its savings requirement for the previous spending review period and has balanced its budget for 2015/16, including the use of reserves.
The force has been successful in bids for police innovation funding with other forces, including those in the East Midlands region. Strong financial control measures are in place and the force’s financial plans reflect the objectives set out in the PCC’s police and crime plan.
There is a long-term plan in place which involves reducing workforce numbers, reducing the size of the estate, moving to an agile way of working, removing costs from inefficient processes and achieving further savings from collaboration.