Lancashire PEEL 2014
How well the force delivers value for money
To what extent is the force efficient?
Lancashire has a good understanding of its demand; the assessment of risks in neighbourhoods is detailed and sophisticated.
There are constructive approaches to reducing unnecessary and wasteful demand and to making best use of police time.
Demand and risk information is used to ensure that, even with reduced staffing levels, officers are allocated according to where the demand and risk is greatest.
Recorded crime had continued to fall in Lancashire throughout the spending review period, although not as fast as elsewhere, and in the last twelve months there has been an overall increase in recorded crime compared with a small decrease nationally.
To what extent is the force taking steps to ensure a secure financial position for the short and long term?
Lancashire is in a secure financial position as a result of strong leadership and financial management.
The force will achieve all of the savings it needs during the spending review period and is expecting to make more savings than it needs in 2015/16, enabling it to set aside funds to invest in further change.
The approach to making savings has been both rigorous and professional, with financial plans closely aligned to workforce and change plans.
Future plans have been identified and are in the process of being explored in further detail. These include both continued efficiency savings internally, and innovative and ambitious plans for wider public sector reform across Lancashire.
To what extent has the force got an affordable way of providing policing?
Lancashire has changed the way it provides policing to increase visibility, reduce costs and to remain effective with fewer staff.
It has creative plans underway to make more effective use of the Special Constabulary, its cadet force and volunteers to support the work of neighbourhood policing teams.
Change is well led and managed. The force maintains rigorous oversight of change projects and ensures that expected benefits are achieved.
Joint working with local partners in Lancashire is strong, particularly with the county council, and is set to improve still further through the public service reform initiative.