Lancashire PEEL 2014
How well the force tackles crime
How effective is the force at reducing crime and preventing offending?
Lancashire has a victim-centred approach underpinned by a performance culture that is based on ‘doing the right thing’ for the victim, rather than one based on specific targets for reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
Victim contact and reassurance is a priority for officers and the force has been re-accredited with a customer service award.
Partnership working is generally good, although the capacity of officers to carry out work is a concern in some areas, particularly at times of peak demand.
How effective is the force at investigating offending?
There is a clear focus on providing a good service to victims in Lancashire, in particular, identifying the most vulnerable and ensuring the risks to them are properly understood and addressed by both police and partners.
There are good standards of investigation with officers appropriately trained and supported by their supervisors.
There is a comprehensive range of opportunities for continuing professional development, shared learning and debate about policing issues.
How effective is the force at tackling anti-social behaviour?
Lancashire has a strong commitment to neighbourhood policing, and neighbourhood teams have a good understanding of local concerns and priorities. Neighbourhood officers work well with local people in tackling anti-social behaviour.
The anti-social behaviour risk assessment conference involving police and partners works well and provides a timely and effective response to growing issues.
The force is focused on early intervention and has invested in proactive work to influence young people, and intelligence to develop a more in-depth understanding of troubled families.
How effective is the force at protecting those at greatest risk of harm?
The domestic abuse inspection found that the public in Lancashire could have confidence that police officers and staff provided a good service to victims of domestic abuse in all areas and helped to keep them safe. Tackling domestic abuse was a priority for the force, which had invested in well-trained and specialist staff. HMIC found staff demonstrated a high level of commitment and awareness, and that they worked well with partners.
The crime inspection found evidence that tackling domestic abuse is still a priority for the force, although improvements could be made. The inspection also reviewed Lancashire’s domestic abuse action plan and found the action plan submitted followed the national plan template outlining activity which was in line with the agreed national priorities for forces to improve their response to domestic abuse. Within this plan there was information that supports activity required bythe HMIC recommendations.
How effective is the force at tackling serious, organised and complex crime?
The crime inspection found that organised crime groups were tackled and disrupted through a number of operations involving both police resources and those from other organisations, including local authorities. Officers and staff working in neighbourhood and response teams were aware of organised crime activity within their areas, had good knowledge of relevant intelligence and were assigned tasks to disrupt the activities of groups and individuals, such as home visits, electronic tagging and the use of stop and search powers.
The value for money inspection found that regional collaboration was already in place with other forces in the north west for specialist services. However, the levels of risk and likely demand were not as great in Lancashire. Therefore, the force needed to be assured of the benefits it gains from collaborating and that the officers it provides to the region would not be used regularly in other force areas to the detriment of Lancashire.
How effective is the force at meeting its commitments under the Strategic Policing Requirement?
There was no Strategic Policing Requirement inspection for this force.