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Proposed policing inspection programme and framework 2025–29: For consultation

We would like your views on whether this programme covers the the right themes and areas of policing.

Derbyshire PEEL 2014


How well the force tackles crime

Last updated 12/11/2014

Derbyshire Constabulary is good at reducing crime and preventing offending. The force is good at investigating offending. It is good at tackling anti-social behaviour.

Derbyshire has seen bigger reductions in crime over the last four years than across England and Wales as a whole. The force works well with partners to prevent crime and reduce reoffending.

Neighbourhood policing remains at the heart of the force’s approach, and safer neighbourhood teams understand their local community concerns and priorities, using a range of effective tactics to fight crime and prevent it.

HMIC found that there is a strong focus on the victim, and the force has made good progress in steps to ensure that the most vulnerable are protected. Victim satisfaction with policing services is higher in Derbyshire than the figure for England and Wales.

While anti-social behaviour is not a force priority, there is good work taking place in the neighbourhood teams to tackle anti-social behaviour, although more could be done to learn from what works.

Further insights on effectiveness

The domestic abuse inspection found that there was some effective working to tackle domestic abuse, but there were some inconsistent practices across the force and gaps in the service being provided to some victims. The crime inspection found evidence that Derbyshire had made progress to improve its response to domestic abuse.

The crime inspection found that dealing with organised crime groups was a priority for the force; there was a rigorous approach to identifying and closely monitoring activity and using intelligence to disrupt their criminal activities. The force benefited from the strength of its collaborative arrangements as part of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit when tackling serious and organised crime.

Questions for Effectiveness


How effective is the force at reducing crime and preventing offending?


Derbyshire Constabulary has a victim-centred approach with a strong focus on ensuring that the most vulnerable victims receive a joined-up service from all agencies. HMIC found good evidence of front-line staff working with partners to find ways to divert offenders and prevent crime.

There has been a 21 percent reduction in crime in Derbyshire over the last four years, which is a greater reduction than the figure for England and Wales. The force works well with partners across Derbyshire in using a range of tactics to prevent crime and reduce reoffending.

HMIC found that the force’s ability to measure the impact of its activities is limited. The force has recognised this and is starting to develop better ways to evaluate activities.

Derbyshire has an effective strategic threat and risk assessment process that helps to meet the needs of the community by prioritising resource where it is needed most. This is national good practice.


How effective is the force at investigating offending?


There is a strong focus on providing a good service to victims in Derbyshire, particularly on identifying the most vulnerable and ensuring the risks to them are properly understood and addressed by both police and partners.

HMIC found some excellent work going on to scrutinise investigations, to understand the reasons why some fail to result in convictions and to improve the quality and outcomes of future investigations. However, the force needs to do more to learn from what works in crime fighting and crime prevention tactics.

The force is working well in identifying and tackling the most prolific offenders through a joined-up approach with partners, working with those causing the greatest risk to the public to prevent them from reoffending.



How effective is the force at tackling anti-social behaviour?


Derbyshire Constabulary shows a strong commitment to neighbourhood policing and the safer neighbourhood teams have a good understanding of local concerns and priorities.

Neighbourhood officers work well with local people in tackling anti-social behaviour and are committed to ensuring the most vulnerable people in their communities are protected.

Partnership working in tackling anti-social behaviour is strong and constructive. The police work well with local authority partners in understanding local anti-social behaviour concerns and finding creative solutions.

HMIC found that the force needs to do more to understand what works in tackling anti-social behaviour locally, and to share this widely so that all can learn from good practice.



How effective is the force at protecting those at greatest risk of harm?


The domestic abuse inspection found that there was some effective working by Derbyshire Constabulary to tackle domestic abuse, but there were areas that required further development. The inspection found that there were some inconsistent practices across the force and gaps in the service being provided to some victims. High-risk victims (those at risk of serious harm or murder) did not always receive the multi-agency support that ought to be provided.

The crime inspection found evidence that Derbyshire had made progress to improve its response to domestic abuse. The force had responded to HMIC inspection findings, e.g., by stopping the issuing of warning letters for harassment. All domestic abuse cases are reviewed at daily management meetings, and repeat offenders are referred to a multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC). Perpetrators of domestic abuse are also included in the group of offenders under the force’s integrated offender management programme. The inspection also reviewed Derbyshire’s domestic abuse action plan and found the action plan submitted followed the national action plan template outlining a broad range of activity which was in line with the agreed national priorities for forces to improve their response to domestic abuse and made direct reference to the HMIC recommendations.


How effective is the force at tackling serious, organised and complex crime?


The crime inspection found that there is a rigorous approach to identifying and closely monitoring activity and using intelligence to disrupt their criminal activities. This involves both teams of specialist detectives and neighbourhood teams.


How effective is the force at meeting its commitments under the Strategic Policing Requirement?


There was no Strategic Policing Requirement inspection for this force.