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Proposed fire and rescue services inspection programme and framework 2025–27: For consultation

We would like your views on whether this programme covers the right areas of FRSs’ activities.

City of London PEEL 2014


How well the force delivers value for money

Last updated 12/11/2014

The City of London Police has made good progress in managing the financial cuts. It continues to provide effective policing to the City of London and is building resources to meet its important national role in tackling economic crime. It faces some future risk in an uncertain financial landscape but is developing sound plans for coping with more austerity.

The City of London Police has plans in place to achieve all of the savings it needs over the spending review period; the long term holds some uncertainties. The plans for making future anticipated savings are not fully developed. The force has now started its second phase of the change programme, ‘City Futures’, which is designed to manage further funding reductions and future financial pressures as well as transforming services. In addition to providing policing to the City of London, the force also plays an important national role in co-ordinating the country’s response to economic crime and fraud. This national lead role has enabled it to develop specialist expertise and attract external funding for specific national economic crime-fighting initiatives and operations. Overall, the force understands its issues and is meeting its local and national commitments efficiently and effectively.

Despite a sizeable reduction in the number of police officers and PCSOs, crime in the City of London has continued to fall. The rate of detections and victim satisfaction are both high.

Questions for Efficiency


To what extent is the force efficient?



The City of London Police understands and responds to the needs of local communities while responding effectively to the complex and demanding requirements of taking the national lead in fighting economic crime and fraud.

The change programme, ‘City First’, makes sure that officers and staff are available when and where they are most needed.

Despite a reduction in the number of police officers and PCSOs, the force has increased the numbers in the overall workforce on the front line and continued to respond effectively to calls for police assistance.

Overall crime is reducing, although at a slower rate than across England and Wales. Victim satisfaction with the police and the levels of detected crime remain high.



To what extent is the force taking steps to ensure a secure financial position for the short and long term?


The challenge faced by the force is not as difficult as some others, mainly due to its national lead role in fighting economic crime, and the ability to generate income from its specialist resources in this area.

While this external income offsets government reductions in funding, increasing reliance on it still carries a risk for the force in the medium to long term.

The force has a good track record of achieving savings requirements and is demonstrating a strong commitment to improve efficiency through the ‘City Futures’ programme.

The force has a secure financial position in the short term. It has been able to build up some reserves which it can use to balance its budgets, but there are risks and uncertainties for the long term.



To what extent has the force got an affordable way of providing policing?


The City of London Police restructured the way it polices the City of London in early 2013. Even though there has been an overall reduction in the workforce employed, the force has successfully protected the front line and there is now a greater number working on the front line than there was in 2010.

The change programme during the first two years of the spending review ensured an affordable way of working and achieved significant savings.

Non-pay costs are reducing, and are planned to reduce further in the next stages of the change programme.

The workforce is supportive of the force and proud of the service it provides to the City of London.