Joint inspection finds improvements in the National Crime Agency's search application and production order processes
HMICFRS and Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) carried out a joint inspection to assess whether the National Crime Agency (NCA) has made improvements in how it deals with applications to search premises and obtain productions orders, following recommendations in a 2015 review.
We found that the that the NCA has been working to tackle the areas of concern highlighted in the 2015 review and overall search authorities, search warrants and production orders are completed to a good standard. We were also impressed by the effort placed on training officers and providing guidance in order to maintain a consistent approach for the Agency
We have made six recommendations which, when completed, will improve procedures and update guidance. We firmly believe these recommendations can be completed to enhance what is already a mature process. The NCA had openly shared what it had learnt and has set a high standard for the oversight of warrants and orders and we concluded that the NCA has achieved the improvements sought following the recommendations made in the 2015 review.