Concerns over North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service's ability to respond to fires and other risks

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service needs to make urgent improvements amidst concerns over its performance, a new report has found.

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Effectiveness, efficiency and people 2021/22 – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) graded the service:

  • ‘requires improvement’ at effectively keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks;
  • ‘inadequate’ at efficiently keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks; and
  • ‘inadequate’ at looking after its people.

His Majesty’s Inspector of Fire and Rescue Services Roy Wilsher said:

“Since its last inspection, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s performance has deteriorated in most areas.

“Although the service is good at preventing fires and other risks, I have concerns about its ability to respond to them. We have also highlighted serious concerns about how sustainable its financial plans are for managing these risks in an affordable way.

“It needs to make sure collaboration activities, such as those with police are effective and provide value for money. It currently shares some business services with North Yorkshire Police and the office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, but there is little evidence to show its benefits to the service.

“Our inspection also found the service to be inadequate in how it looks after its people. The service needs to improve how it promotes the right values and culture, as well as how it maintains and develops staff performance.

“In view of these findings, we have been in regular contact with the newly appointed chief fire officer and will be revisiting the service to monitor its progress.”

Today HMICFRS will also publish the State of Fire and Rescue 2022, which sets out His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services’ assessment of the sector nationally.

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Effectiveness, efficiency and people 2021/22 – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service


  1. In its 2018/2019 inspection, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service was rated as good in one area and requires improvement in two areas.
  2. For further information, the HMICFRS Press Office can be contacted at 0300 071 6781 or