Service Assessment Data Table 2023/25


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Inadequate
Preventing fires and other risks Inadequate
Protecting the public through fire regulation Adequate
Responding to fires and other emergencies Inadequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Requires improvement
Promoting the right values and culture Inadequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Requires improvement
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Good
Preventing fires and other risks Requires improvement
Protecting the public through fire regulation Requires improvement
Responding to fires and other emergencies Requires improvement
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Requires improvement
Getting the right people with the right skills Adequate
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Adequate
Managing performance and developing leaders Adequate


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Requires improvement
Preventing fires and other risks Requires improvement
Protecting the public through fire regulation Inadequate
Responding to fires and other emergencies Requires improvement
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Requires improvement
Promoting the right values and culture Requires improvement
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Requires improvement
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Good
Preventing fires and other risks Good
Protecting the public through fire regulation Good
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Outstanding
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Good
Getting the right people with the right skills Adequate
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Good
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Adequate
Protecting the public through fire regulation Good
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Adequate
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Good
Getting the right people with the right skills Good
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Good
Managing performance and developing leaders Good


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Requires improvement
Protecting the public through fire regulation Adequate
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Requires improvement
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Requires improvement
Promoting the right values and culture Adequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Inadequate
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement

Essex County

Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Good
Preventing fires and other risks Good
Protecting the public through fire regulation Requires improvement
Responding to fires and other emergencies Requires improvement
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Requires improvement
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Requires improvement
Managing performance and developing leaders Adequate


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Requires improvement
Preventing fires and other risks Adequate
Protecting the public through fire regulation Inadequate
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Requires improvement
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Requires improvement
Promoting the right values and culture Inadequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Inadequate
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement

Greater Manchester

Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Good
Preventing fires and other risks Good
Protecting the public through fire regulation Good
Responding to fires and other emergencies Good
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Good
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Good
Getting the right people with the right skills Good
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Good
Managing performance and developing leaders Good

Hereford and Worcester

Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Adequate
Protecting the public through fire regulation Good
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Adequate
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Adequate
Promoting the right values and culture Adequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Good
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Good
Managing performance and developing leaders Good


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Adequate
Protecting the public through fire regulation Requires improvement
Responding to fires and other emergencies Good
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Good
Making best use of resources Adequate
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Adequate
Promoting the right values and culture Requires improvement
Getting the right people with the right skills Good
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Requires improvement
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Good
Preventing fires and other risks Requires improvement
Protecting the public through fire regulation Adequate
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Good
Making best use of resources Adequate
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Adequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Adequate
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Good
Preventing fires and other risks Outstanding
Protecting the public through fire regulation Good
Responding to fires and other emergencies Good
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Outstanding
Making best use of resources Outstanding
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Adequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Adequate
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Adequate
Managing performance and developing leaders Good


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Good
Protecting the public through fire regulation Adequate
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Adequate
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Good
Promoting the right values and culture Good
Getting the right people with the right skills Good
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Adequate
Managing performance and developing leaders Adequate


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Requires improvement
Protecting the public through fire regulation Requires improvement
Responding to fires and other emergencies Requires improvement
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Requires improvement
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Adequate
Promoting the right values and culture Good
Getting the right people with the right skills Adequate
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Requires improvement
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement


Question Score
Understanding the risk of fire and other emergencies Adequate
Preventing fires and other risks Requires improvement
Protecting the public through fire regulation Requires improvement
Responding to fires and other emergencies Adequate
Responding to major and multi-agency incidents Adequate
Making best use of resources Requires improvement
Making the FRS affordable now and in the future Requires improvement
Promoting the right values and culture Adequate
Getting the right people with the right skills Requires improvement
Ensuring fairness and promoting diversity Requires improvement
Managing performance and developing leaders Requires improvement